Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) Policy

The World Experience Organization is committed to fostering a welcoming, diverse, equitable, inclusive, and belonging environment for all. We recognize the unique experiences and perspectives of People of Colour (POC) and LGBTQ+ individuals, and the value they bring to society and the experience community.

In support of this commitment, the WXO is implementing a DEIB membership program with the following initiatives:

1. Reduced Membership Fees for Individuals

  • 50% Reduction for the First Year: WXO offers a 50% discount on the standard membership fee for the first year to all individuals who identify as People of Colour (POC) and/or LGBTQ+. This discount applies to both Emerging Talent and Expert level memberships.
  • Eligibility: To qualify for this discount, individuals must self-identify as POC or LGBTQ+ during the membership application process. WXO will not require any further documentation.
  • Process: To take advantage of this discount, when an individual goes to pay for their annual membership, all they need to do is enter the promo code WXO-I-BELONG. The 50% discount will be automatically applied. 

2. Reduced Membership Fees for Organizations

  • 50% Reduction for the First Year: WXO offers a 50% discount on the standard organizational membership fee for companies that are at least 51% owned by People of Colour (POC) and/or LGBTQ+.
  • Eligibility: Companies applying for the discount will need to provide documentation demonstrating that at least 51% of the ownership is held by individuals who identify as POC and/or LGBTQ+. This documentation can include tax filings, business registration documents, or a letter from a certified public accountant (CPA) verifying ownership.
  • Process: To take advantage of this discount, when an organization goes to pay for their annual membership, all they need to do is enter the promo code WXO-WE-BELONG. The 50% discount will be automatically applied. 

Program Benefits

By becoming a member of the WXO, individuals and organizations gain access to a variety of benefits, including:

  • Networking opportunities: Connect with other professionals and organizations from around the world.
  • Educational resources: Access our exclusive Campfires.
  • Professional development: Gain valuable insights and skills to enhance your career or business.

The WXO’s Commitment

The WXO is committed to continually reviewing and improving its DEIB initiatives. We encourage feedback from our members (and the wider community) on how we can better serve the needs of the diverse communities we represent.


  • Self-identification is the preferred method for determining POC or LGBTQ+ status. The WXO will not require any further documentation from individuals applying for the individual membership discount.
  • The WXO reserves the right to modify this policy at any time. Any changes will be communicated to members in advance.

We believe this DEIB membership program is a positive step towards creating a more inclusive and representative organization. We look forward to welcoming a wider range of individuals and organizations to the World Experience Organization.

If you have any comments, questions for clarity, or suggestions for improvements, please contact our founder, James Wallman or our operations executive, Fabien Vlems. (For clarity, their emails are first name dot last name at worldxo dot org)