Welcome to The WXO Experience Book Library
- Our guide to the best books on designing and delivering experiences.
- This is a work in progress. We'll be adding books, and increasing functionatlity, over time. Check back for updates.
- If you haven't read these yet, you really, really should
Isn't This Fun?
Michael Foley
Michael Foley's Isn't This Fun? masquerades as a gentle wander around what fun means today. But in its pages, Foley dissects what fun has meant through the ages, from the origins of hedonism to today. And by analysing the rituals and structures of organized fun from the parties of Bacchus / Dionysus to the BDSM gatherings of today, Foley reveals a template every experience designer should be aware of - for creating the kind of experiences that'll impact and give shape to people's lives.
The Experience Economy
Joe Pine
FIrst published in 1999, this seminal book named the sector. If you're looking to understand the Experience Economy - why it's happening, how to succeed in it, this is starting point.
- What we're excited about and reading this month
Designing Experiences
J. Robert Rossman & Mat Duerden
Not only does this book contain a great introduction to the Experience Economy today, it also contains a method for creating memorable, meaningful experiences.
User Friendly
Cliff Kuang & Robert Fabricant
Formerly an Editor at Wired and Design Editor at Fast Company, Cliff Kuang teamed up with human-centred design expert, and co-founder of Dahlberg Design, Robert Fabricant to create a history of user experience that illustrates why good experience design matters so much.
- Hey, a library should go from A-Z shouldn't it...