Campfire Pass

$399.00 / year

  • Campfires: a chance to hear from pioneers who are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible; and learn new, cutting-edge tools for creating better experiences
    • Connect in person with experience creators, producers, promoters from the same, adjacent, and completely different experience sectors
    • To make them as easy to access in Shanghai as in Santa Fe, Campfires are held on Zoom, every week, except for Christmas, Easter & summer holidays
    • NPS for Campfires is 76 – a score considered “world class” and “best of the best”, reflecting not only the talks but the conversation and ideas that flow afterwards
  • Black Book: personal listing in the world’s first and only directory for the Experience Economy
  • WXO Member badge: upgrade your brand, marketing and sales by displaying your WXO Member Member badge on your website, email, etc
PlaceholderCampfire Pass
$399.00 / year