Sign Up For The Next WXO Bonfire With Kevin Dulle!

General 0 replies 296 views Tags:  Experience DesignExperience ToolsKevin DulleThe ERY MethodPlacemaking

ICYMI... @kev – visual thinkologist, Experience Economy expert and wonder-illustrator of the WXO Campfires – is returning to the WXO Bonfire for two more bespoke masterclasses on his "brilliantly stupid / stupidly brilliant" ERY Method.

Places are limited to 24 WXO Members only.


To attend, you must be able to make both virtual sessions:

  1. Tuesday 15 November (Introduction & Play): 16:55 - 18:30 GMT
  2. Tuesday 22 November (Real-World Application): 16:55 - 18:30 GMT

Here's what a few experience experts said about Dulle's first Bonfire earlier this year:

"The method for creating an experience brand really walks you through the steps and breaks things down into bitesize chunks." - Doug Steel
"Fantastic insight into a methodology that has been thoroughly pulled apart and put together." - Julian Rad
"Loved the space that the workshop created to mingle and get creative with other fellows of WXO." - Miguel Melgarejo
Don't walk to snap yours up... run!
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