7 Reasons Why You Have To Come To The Experience Summit in New York

THOUGHT YOU MIGHT like to know WHY we chose New York for the World Experience Summit.

And I hope to persuade you that you should come.

Here goes.

Have you ever been to New York?

It’s incredible.

The height of those buildings. 

The energy of the place.

The attitude of the people. How they dress, how they walk down the street… 

It’s like everyone wakes up to a shot of confidence, gets dressed like a personal brand, and then heads out to make art and commerce happen NOW.

I love the place. Can you tell?

And so, why for the Summit?


7. Like New York, the WXO’s beating heart is creative and commercial. Let’s make great work, and make the work work – so we can scale and have real impact. 

6. Like New York, the WXO is global – OK, NY wins here. 200 nationalities vs WXO members in ‘only’ 38 countries. (Aside: is New York the world’s capital? Where else would you take an alien who asked “take me to your leaders”?)

5. New York is an experience, and it’s bursting with so many new, different, random, wild, weird, interesting, experiences to check out. So if you come, it’s a research trip at the same time. 

4. New York is a playground, and play is key for creativity. Stay for the weekend after the Summit, and your travel can be expensed / tax-deductible.

3. New York is full of wild, brilliant creatives, and placing the Summit here makes it so easy for them to come. So when you come to the Summit, and you’ll instantly plug-in to the New York experience scene. You’ll make connections and kickstart collaborations that’ll inform and infuse your work for the months and years ahead. Examples: Eric Alba, Jenny Koons, Enrique Enriquez, Julian Rad, Andrew Scoville, Riza Pino, Jasmin Jodry. (New Yorkers, please don’t mind if you’re not here. In a city of a thousand lights, you can’t pick out everyone!)

2. New York is one of the world’s easiest places to fly to, with direct flights from, like, everywhere. (Sorry, Santa Fe, but this is why we didn’t choose you! Love Santa Fe, but it’s inconvenient to get in / out.)

1. New York is super cheap. Haha, oh dear, no. That’s obviously a joke. Venues, drinks, everything is crazy expensive in NY. But so is life! Extraordinary, memorable, turning point moments in life run from entirely free to very expensive – but also incredibly valuable. But if you value your time on this planet, if you value your career in experiences, sometimes you have to invest.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to pour, wild, brilliant, breathtaking rocket fuel into your experience career. A trip to New York may cost a lot of money now, but it’s an exceptional investment in your life and work. It’s a statement to yourself about how seriously you value your career, a sign to future collaborators of how seriously you take great experience design.

Come join us in New York.