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You've been approved by the WXO Membership Committee
Now, 1 Last Step To Join The WXO
Select Your Level & Start Your 14-Day Free Trial
Click a button that says "Select" in the table below to begin your free trial (If you're on a mobile / cellphone, you may need to scroll across to read the table)
Choose Your Membership Tier
- 1. Pioneer Pass
- 2. All Team Pass
- 3. Large Team Pass
- 4. Medium Team Pass
- 5. Small / Startup Team Pass
- 6. Company Expert Pass
- 7. Individual Expert Pass
- 8. Emerging Talent Pass
- 9. Student Pass
Is This For?
with annual revenues $2m+ who'd like an annual, bespoke keynote/workshopExample members
Kansas City Opera, Blumenthal Arts, BYU, Deloitte, DemiurgoOrganizations
with annual revenues $2m+ who want their senior & junior members to benefit from the learningsExample members
Meow Wolf, ILM Immersive, Opus Agency, XD Agency, CocolabOrganizations
with annual revenues $2m+ who want to bring a select groupExample members
Thinkwell, The Shipping Monster, We Are Collider, Nolan Heimann, SphereOrganizations
with annual revenues $250k - $2m+Example members
BeCore, Friendly Vengeance, JFI Productions, Ultra VOrganizations
with annual revenues up to $250kExample members
The Moonlight Collective, Living Story, LifePlugin, Nathaniel Howe StudiosWhen you're the only experience person
at a large firmExample members
Gil Forer, EY; Jesse Harris, Virgin; Allison Tsai, Arup; Yoram Roth, Fotografiska/Neue HouseSelf-employed
experience expertsExample members
Jasmin Jodry, Jamie Ruddy, Julian Rad, Ashley Jex WagnerExperience professionals
at an early stage of their careerExample members
Monica Matei, Morgane Rocheteau, Sparks SparksStudents
in full-time educationExample members
Matthew Waller, Nicolaas Scheepers, Lily Moore
How Many
Members Can Join?
- Unlimited*
- Unlimited*
- up to 6
- up to 4
- 1-2
- 1
- 1
- 1**
- 1**
* A ‘fair use’ policy applies to “unlimited”. It really means you don’t need to worry about who to invite, or not. If your members go much above 20, let’s talk.
** Emerging Talent, Junior, and Student members can come to PlayLabs, join Circle, and view all Campfires online. Live Campfires are for expert-level members only.