Welcome to our hand-picked selection of videos containing insights and inspiration to help you design and stage better experiences and become a better experience designer.

WATCH THIS: Storyland Studios are working on Storyville Gardens, an "immersive, interactive theme park" that will plunge visitors into stories from cultures around the world through rides, shows, live entertainment, interactive attractions and culinary journeys. Set to open in Nashville, Tennessee in spring 2025, get a first look here...​

A Poignant VR Journey Into Schizophrenia​

Goliath: Playing with Reality won the Grand Jury Prize for Best VR Immersive Work at the 78th Venice International Film Festival. Created by Anagram, the film “explores the limits of reality and a true story of so-called ‘schizophrenia’ and the power of gaming communities”. It’s an interesting example of how VR can be used to provoke empathy and create understanding around difficult topics.

Will Punchdrunk Travel Ever Manifest?

Would you let immersive theatre company Punchdrunk design your vacation? As far back as 2013, founder Felix Barrett was talking about the concept of “Punchdrunk Travel” – skip to 4 mins in to hear his plans on making travellers “the hero of their own film”.

Chasing Storms, Not Highs

A trailer for Soundstorm, a drug-free festival taking place in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia from 16-19 December 2021 where lighting, street performers, moving art and live music will be creating the highs, not narcotics.

A Micro Break With Meow Wolf

Peek inside the immersive art collective’s Las Vegas installation, Omega Mart, with this tongue-in-cheek training video – then read Mark Slade’s review of the experience for The WXO here.