- We hope you find useful answers to your questions here. If not, please get in touch.
What is the WXO?
- The World Experience Organization is a global organization for experience designers, creators, makers, investors, promoters - all firms and people who love, make, make money from, believe in experiences.
Why Would I want to Join?
- Join the WXO and you'll be instantly recognized as a pioneering expert in one of the world's most exciting growth areas.
- You'll be able to come to the famous WXO Campfires, where the world's leading experience experts gather to talk about experiences, sharing tips, tricks, insights on how to make them — and how to make them better.
How do I join?
- Click the "Apply" at the top right of the page and answer the questions that follow.
Who are the founding Members?
- Firms and people from Shanghai to Santa Fe, eg, Joe Pine, Meow Wolf, Secret Cinema, Swamp Motel, Whole Foods Market, Electrosonic, Deloitte. See the Black Book for more.
- Don't see your question answered? Please get in touch via our Contact Page.