Campfire 54: Pics That Produce Happiness


An expert in positive psychology since she studied with the founder of positive psychology, Martin Seligman, Seligman will share her fascinating new project, and the ideas behind it, on how we can help people take pics that help, rather than hinder, their happiness.

Women in Experience (WiX): Session 1


Founded by WXO Co-Founders Nasya Kamrat and Sheena Patel and Founding Member Kevi Louise Johnson, WiX is open to all female-identifying practitioners in the experience sector.

Bonfire 1: The ERY Method (Part Two)


Experience Economy expert Kevin Dulle gives 24 WXO members a guided tour through his ERY Method in the second of two exclusive, hands-on masterclasses.

Campfire 58: The “New You” Business


Our very own Experience Economy Godfather, Joe Pine, returns to share his latest thinking on how to design for the next revolution in our economy: transformations.