Thriving Through Experiences: The 7X Summit 2022

After what to many of us feels like a few years of just surviving, the theme for 2022 is definitely thriving – something The Experience Research Society (EXPRESSO) is taking to heart with the subject of its 2022 conference.

Following two years of virtual events, this year’s 7 Experiences Summit will take place IRL at Brigham Young University in Utah between 12-15 October. The theme is “Thriving Through Experiences”:

“The experiences individuals have and organizations provide play a huge role in determining the extent to which individuals and organizations thrive. The conference will provide a space for researchers and professionals to come together to share and discuss research examining the connection between experiences and thriving.”

The Experience Research Society

Chaired by WXO Co-Founders Brian Hill and Mat Duerden, 7X will also feature keynote speakers including:

Now’s your chance to get involved, as the organisers are calling for submissions for the summit in two formats: research abstracts and workshop proposals.

Selected research abstracts will be organised into both oral and poster sessions. You will need to indicate your delivery format preference on your proposal. Oral research sessions will last one hour and include 3-4 research presentations, and workshops will last one hour. A poster session will be during the second evening of the conference. Presenters of oral research sessions and accepted posters are expected to register for and attend the conference.

All submissions should be sent as attachments to by April 1 2022.

Here’s what you need to know to submit.

Research Abstracts

Two-page abstracts need to include the following elements: 

  • TITLE: There is a limit of 15 words for the title. The title should be bolded and entered  in sentence case (i.e., only the first word and proper nouns are capitalized).
  • PREFERRED FORMAT: research presentation, poster presentation, or either.
  • STUDENT AWARDS: If you are a student, you can choose to have your presentation  judged for the Student Awards. If so, please designate if you are an undergraduate or  graduate student 
  • AUTHOR INFORMATION: Enter authors in the order they should appear in the  abstract. Provide institutional affiliations and contact information.  
  • KEYWORDS: Provide 3-5 key words. 
  • ABSTRACT LENGTH AND FORMATTING: All abstracts must be in English and  can be no longer than two-pages, single spaced (Times New Roman 12-point font, 1”  margins) not including references and table/figures. Please use APA 7th citation guidelines for citations and headers. Abstracts should include the following sections: introduction/rationale, methods, results, and discussion. 

Workshop Proposals


Proposals need to include the following elements:  

  • TITLE: There is a limit of 15 words for the title. The title should be entered in sentence  case (i.e., only the first word and proper nouns are capitalized). 
  • AUTHOR INFORMATION: Enter authors in the order they should appear in the  abstract. Provide institutional affiliations and contact information. 
  • AUTHOR QUALIFICATIONS: Briefly (50 words or less) explain why the author(s) is  qualified to conduct the proposed workshop 
  • SESSION DESCRIPTION: Describe the purpose, content, and structure of the  workshop in 200 words or less. 
  • LEARNING OUTCOMES: Provide 3-5 learning outcomes. One sentence per learning  outcomes. Start each learning outcome sentence with “At the end of this workshop,  attendees will be able to_____.”  
  • WORKSHOP STRUCTURE: Please describe how this session will be delivered (i.e., number of presenters, format of session, interactivity, etc.) in 100 words or less.
  • FORMATTING: Please use a 10- or 12-point font, 1” margins, and single spacing. Use  APA 7th citation guidelines for citations and headers should. 


Submissions will be accepted until April 1. All submissions will undergo a double blind review process. Decisions on submissions will be communicated to authors by May 31.