Julia Eisenloeffel | WXO

Julia Eisenloeffel

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Experience Designer striving for transformational experiences, business (culture) developer, experience design thinker with a human centered approach

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Experience Designer striving for transformational experiences, business (culture) developer, experience design thinker with a human centered approach

Hi, I'm Julia!


I inspire, motivate and touch others to start dreaming again - to create together for the good in the world!

I listen closely, ask (sometimes tough) questions and use my untamed power of imagination to bring in new perspectives. I connect the "dots" by leaving the beaten paths and opening up my treasure chest of ideas, tools and knowledge.

I am an enthusiastic experience designer and imagineer - I can help you on your personal way or your business, products, services, clients and employees to fly higher into new realms of experience!

My strategic nature takes all possibilities into account to find the best way to transform to the better!


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I published my book "Imagineering Principles" in 2015 - it is my scientific research where I identify five important principles that are needed to create meaningful, most memorable and eventually even transformative experiences.

The book is written with UX design in mind and refers especially to touristic websites since I have a background in innovation in tourism and I'm specialized in experiences in the field of spa-, wellness, health and well-being, but the principles are generally valid and can be applied in any field of business.

Well, 2015 is quite a while ago and I learned and added so much more knowledge (especially from behavioral sciences and neuroscience) and experience over time that I created a method now that is based on the five principles but enhanced on lots of layers - I call it my  "Experience Design Thinking" approach now... maybe time to write a new book...;)

My services:

As many experience designers, I have not only one passion... so I have quite something to offer..

Educational offers about experience design (online & offline):

signature foundation program for businesses, entrepreneurs, SMEs, Startups: www.your-business-dna.com (website only in German at the moment)

Concepts & analysis:

I co-create concepts for experiences, products, services, processes, organizations, strategies...you name it... always together with you or your team to gain max of authenticity
I facilitate strategy processes
I analyze what's up with your business - where are the downfalls, what are the possibilities? - from an experience designer's point of view -> believe me, there are so many perspectives and possibilities - you will be surprised!

My current soul-project:

the dreambox!

-> a physical space in form of a small room/bigger "box" that is placed at the work place (like co-working spaces or other vivid work environments) to provide an environment and program that is designed according to your individual, current needs - these could e.g. be the need for relaxation, more energy, fresh ideas, being more happy or just dream away...

Keywords: mental health, new work, design for well-being at the work place, creating company culture

-> I'm currently building up a team to develop the dreambox - come, join my team or get anyhow in contact if you are interested, if you would like to provide recommendations, help or your very valued opinion!